header key exhibits

Guided tour : Key Exhibits

Durée : 1h
Musée national de Préhistoire

July 2024 :

  • Monday: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 --> 11:00am
  • Friday: 12, 19, 26 --> 11:00am


August 2024 :

  • Monday: 5, 12, 19, 26 --> 11:00am
  • Friday: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 --> 11:00am


A guided tour targeting fifteen masterpieces and offering a general approach to the collections.

€ 9,50
Reduced rate under conditions, free for children under 13 years old

Reservation required via the Affluences platform

Limited number of participants (20 people)

Tous publics
Visite découverte : Marathon de la Préhistoire
Durée : 1h
Expositions passées
Oxydes. Couleurs & Métaux

Exposition temporaire du 8 octobre 2022 au 8 mai 2023