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entrée du musée

The RMN and the Grand Palais Reunited

The Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais (RMN-GP) is a public cultural establishment under the governance of the Minister of Culture and Communication.

It was born in 2011 from the fusion of the Réunion des musées nationaux (Assembly of National Museums) and the Grand Palais (Great Palace) in order to become a cultural operator on the international level, benefiting from an emblematic monument and drawing on the expertise and complementary nature of the two establishments. Sylvie Hubac was named presidents of the institution by the decree of January 20, 2011.

Each year the RMN-GP presents around forty very diversified cultural events in Paris, in other regions of France, and internationally. The Grand Palais, one of the favourite monuments of the French, is the prestigious showcase of it situated in the heart of Paris.

Exhibitions, concerts, parades, shows, performances… the programming, which is both demanding and popular, caters to all audiences for the sake of making culture accessible to all and is accompanied by a wealth of meditation.

Beyond the events, the RMN-GP broadcasts culture through its editorial activities, its network of art boutique bookstores and its photography agency, the leading French agency of art images.

Finally, the RMN-GP contributes to enriching national collections by advancing the acquisitions for the State account.